Pindeshwor Temple is situated in Dharan Sub-Municipality in Sunsari district of Nepal. On every Monday in the month of Shraavan, a large number of devotees from different places come bare foot to pay homage to Lord Shiva with holy water from Koshi River. Pindeshwor was first rest place of treaking route of Bengal to Kathmandu. Rangeli, Pindeshwor, Barhakshetra, Koshi, Sunkoshi and Banepa were the steps of foot route. Firstly the pindeshwor was the worship place of Shiva and later it was developed as Mahantas place. Jogi, Sanyasi of India and Nepal started to come and gathered there. It is believed that a devotees needs can return true if they provide water from Saptakoshi and Koka stream within the Barahachetra temple and water from Kaushika in the Pindeshwor Shivalaya. In the Pindeshwor temple premises, the oil lamps are always kept burining.
Pindeshwor may be connected with the memory of ancestors. Pindeshwor of Vijaypur Dharan is also called Shiveshwor, Bholebaba, Shambhu is the favorite god of Hindu. This temple is at the bottom of the Vijayapur Hill with a beautiful pool housing a small idol at its midpoint. There are three temples on the sites with buzzing hanging bells to admire. There are many idols of god and goddesses however, the temple is dedicated to the god Shiva. The site with its panoramic landscapes and a Sanskrit college is a beautiful place and the best place to go in Dharan. The temple remains crowed in the Shrawan. During Bolbam festival, the millions devotees offer the holy water of Saptakoshi and different parts of the country in this temple.